in Florence
mobile phone: +393478593199
Since several years, as a Cartographer, I
exploit Astronomy and, in particular, the Gnomonics. |
I was awarded at the Fifth International Concourse SHADOWS OF TIME
(1999) for the construction of an elicoidal Sundial. |
I won the National (italian) Concourse Il fiume, il tempo e il sole
for the project of a Gnomonic Set in the Mella Public Park (Brescia),
consisting in a number of Sundials capable to determine the astronomical
coordinates of the Sun. |
A significant achievement, in the year 2001, is the Gnomonic Set
in the Panicaglia main square near to Borgo S.Lorenzo (Firenze).
The Gnomon is 3 meters high and the Sundial face diameter is 22 meters
long. In addition to the hour lines cut on the marble floor, on the meridian
line the year's day values (every ten days) and some Sun astronomical
coordinates are reported. As a matter of fact, this Sundial aims to be
didactical to the observer, whom is being put in contact with the Sun
for a fist, interesting approach to Astronomy. |
Another Gnomonic Set has been built in the year 2006 within the
public Park of the Buddhist Monastery of CHI LIN in Hong Kong (China).
This prestigious building is composed by a fountain with the shape of
a lotus flower and is placed on a octagonal basement where 8 faces are
carved. On these faces one can read the hour through the Sun and the Moon,
the periods of the chinese and western zodiac, the astronomical coordinates
of the Sun, and so on. |
In the inner courtyard of the School "G.Gabbrielli" in
Scandicci (Florence) a special Sundial has been built which the children
can use for determining the hour observing their own shadows. |
In addition to those important achievements,
I also am able to build minor, though still interesting, projects which
I care personally, e.g., starting from few visible lines, or from the
gnomon, on a wall it is generally possible for me to re-build ancient
Sundials which were present on the buildings' faces. |
In 2006 I have published a book titled
I fori gnomonici di Egnazio Danti in Santa Maria Novella.
This study examines the figure of Frate Egnazio Danti O.P. (1536-1586),
his relationship to the Santa Maria Novella basilica in Florence and the
instruments he projected and partially installed there. In the frame of
this work I have re-measured the gnomonic holes in order to rebuild the
ancient position of the Solstice marble plate and to set up a new marble
pate relevant to the winter Solstice of today. |
SI hope I was clear in explaining all my activities
as a Gnomonist.
Waiting for possibly meeting you in order to deepen these topics, I send
you my best and "sunny" regards ! |